Vision & Mission

Our Vision

A world in which all people receive the safest, most efficient and effective healthcare possible. 

Our Mission

To lead the innovation and dissemination of novel methods for improving human and system performance in the delivery of healthcare. 



The drive to improve the lives of children is at the heart of CAPE's genesis and future. 

If we're still the only dedicated pediatric training center in 10 years, then we will have failed.

In an article for the Stanford Report in 2002, CAPE's Director, Dr. Lou Halamek, stated, "If we're still the only dedicated pediatric training center in 10 years, then we will have failed.  As long as the care of kids steadily improves, we're doing our job."  Over ten years later, CAPE is one of many pediatric simulation training centers across the U.S. More

CAPE's quest for how to improve patient care is inspired by Dr. Halamek's vision that hospitals and healthcare professionals can and should use the same approaches employed successfully in the aerospace industry, where the risk to human life is high and the environments are complex, data-rich and time-pressured.  At NASA, systematic practice enables teams of astronauts and flight controllers to develop a deep understanding of the human performance issues that are key to achieving mission objectives.  Many of these same human factors and systems engineering principles apply to healthcare.

The healthcare version of NASA's mission control (link to the article Mission: Control) -- a hospital operations center adjoined by a series of simulated hospital-specific environments -- is CAPE's inspiration for the future of simulation. The hospital operations center would provide centralized expertise and resources to collect and analyze data, make decisions and practice on a hospital-wide level.
